
Interlochen Woman’s Club Minutes


May 1, 2024 at the Interlochen Public Library at 11:00 am


A.  Call to Order by Danielle Bieganowski, President at 11:11 am.

B.  Pledge to the Flag and the Collect by all.

C. Roll Call by Mary Pike, Secretary, as follows: 18 members and two guests; Sonda Richardson and Simone Steele.

D.  President's Report - Danielle Bieganowski:

​Danielle reported changes made recently.  New Director, Jayne McPhilimy, taking over for  Barb Cooper, New members Barb Wilson and Jeni Jackson assigned to the Arts Department, Deb Widrig stepped in to take over the Hospitality/Membership/Welcome Committee for Barb Cooper and Cathy Dierkes and  the June Luncheon will be held at the Interlochen Public Library on June 5th at noon, hosted by the Board.  Danielle welcomed all to our 75th AnniversaryCelebration!

E.  Secretary's Report - Mary Pike:

​Approval of minutes of November 1, 2023:  motioned by Jayne McPhilimy , seconded by Pat Thompson and voted upon by members and approved.

​Mary Pike reported that thank you cards were sent out for help with anddonations for the 2023 Bake Sale and one sent to Mrs. Charles Brown for herdonation  to honor daughter, Megan.

F.  Treasurer's Report -  Susan Hughes:

​Susan reported that the Check Book Balance is $2,587.85 as of today.  She also reports that the Board voted to keep the scholarship at $1000 and not split $500/$500.

G.  Department Reports:

​(1)  Arts Department - Helen Hankins & Jayne McPhilimy:  Jayne reported that they need a speaker for May 2025 Luncheon.  She also reported new members assigned to her department are  Barb Wilson and Jeni Jackson.

​(2) Conservation Department - Sue Messner:  None

​(3) Education Department - Susan Hughes:  None

​(4)  Home Life and Public Affairs - Pat Tallman (temp):  Nina Wolpe said Hello to everyone.  She is moving to Bay Ridge soon.

H.  Committee Reports:

​(1)  Hospitality/Membership/Welcome - Deb Widrig:  None

​(2)  Sunshine Fund Committee - Mary Pike and Judy Bowman:   Balance in November 2023 was $45.80, collected November 2023 and April 2024 meetings was $33.00, less postage of $8.71 and plants purchased for $61.40 the balance today is $8.69.  Mary thanked Sue Messner for taking over the duties during winter brake and welcomed Judy Bowman as co-chair.  Judy then introduced herself.

​(3)  Ways and Means Committee - Susan Hughes:  None

​(4) Club Historian - Susan Hughes:  She stated that there are scrapbooks to view on the table.

​(5)  Media Notification Committee - Jayne McPhilimy:  She stated that she is finally getting ahead of things and it should be easier going.  Please call or text her with information for notifications as soon as possible.  Jayne also read the IPL Kitchen rules.

​(6)  Face Book and Website Committee - Pat Thompson: She stated that all is up to date.  (Susan Hughes said she would be interested in formatting the website at November 2023 meeting.)

I.  Bake Sale and CD2Go Report Cards - Mary Pike:  She reported that they were to be turned in December 2023.  Please turn them in, if you haven't already and the Board will review them at the August Board meeting.  Copies are available.

J.  Old Business:

​(1)  Money earmarked for Meals on Wheels ($400) - Susan Hughes:  She is not getting anywhere with Meals on Wheels.  Let her know if anyone has ideas.

K.  Announcements and Other:

​Verta Odziana reported on Ruth McKelvey's situation. She had extensive abdominal surgery (not cancer) and won't be back till September. Ruth would enjoy a call from members.  She will try to make the June Luncheon.

​Pat Thompson reported that Michelle Schultz (former member) has passed away from cancer.  After her husband died from Covid, she sold everything and bought an RV and full timed it around the US. Michelle wrote her own obit and posted it on Face Book.  Pat said Michelle was active at Kensington Church and cards can be sent there.

L.  Adjournment of  Business Meeting by Danielle Bieganowski at 11:46 am. Danielle also gave the blessing .​

       75th Anniversary Celebration program and lunch then commenced.​

​Barb Cooper and Cathy Dierkes co-chaired the event. 

Sonda Richardson (former President of IWC) read us a funny story about how nice it would be, to be a pet dog.  She said she enjoyed being in IWC with Ann Johnson as her VP.

​A Rose was given to Sonda Richardson and Pat Thompson as former Presidents of the club.

They played 1948 era music for background music.  The history of our club was read by Susan Hughes,  passages from world history and local history were read by several members during 1940's and 50's.  Danielle presented the Gavel with all past presidents name on the ribbons.  Opal Steele was announced our oldest member(100) and given a plant and a crown.  She told what it was like with she was active in the club.  A good time was had by all.



Mary Pike, Secretary

Interlochen Woman's Club

Agenda for Board Meeting at Bud's at 11:00 on

April 24, 2024

A.  Call to Order by President, Danielle Bieganowski at____________

B.  Roll Call by Secretary Mary Pike as follows:

​Danielle Bieganowski, President

​Verta Odziana, Vice President

​Susan Hughes,Treasurer

​Ruth McKelvey, Past President - Unable to attend, recovering

​Mary Pike, Secretary

​Barb Cooper,  Director

​Sue Messner, Director- Out of town

​Pat Thompson, Director - Out of town

​Judy Bowman

C.  Review and approval of Board Meeting of October 25, 2023.

Motion made by___________________________Secondedby_________________________________   and approved.

D.  Director, Barb Cooper's term is up in May 2024.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

E.  New members, Barb Wilson and Jeni Jackson, need to be assigned to Departments:

Arts has 7 members with 5 active  (Diann Heming quit 4/14/24 - email)

Conservation has 9 members with 5 active

Education has 7 members

Home Life/ Public Affairs has 7 member with 5 active


F.   Guidelines for Sunshine Funds and the Treasurer for donations and cards for what family members. Guidelines to be listed in the Description of Duties for the Sunshine Fund.


G.  75th Anniversary Celebration:  Barb Cooper and Cathy Dierkes to spearhead.  Arts Department to host the luncheon.  Susan Hughes to bring the cake.  Decorations will be "Black and Gold" by Mary Pike. Ideas?  Opal Steele turns 100 this year (April 14).


Send invitations to anyone?:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

H.  June Luncheon Venue:  Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

​1.  Where:_____________________________________________

​2.  What time:__________________________________________

​3.  Plant Raffle/ how much?:_______________________________

​4.  Elevate any to Life Membership?:_______________________



I.  Schedule Board Meeting for August 2024: _____________________

​To Review CD2Go issues that were discussed at the October 25, 2023 Board Meeting: Bring your copies.    And any other issues to are brought to the floor.

J.  Temporary Chairman for Home Life and Public Affairs Department until Ruth McKelvey is able to resume her post.  


K.  Other business or announcements:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


L.  Meeting was adjourned, by Danielle Bieganowski at_______________.




Mary Pike, Secretary

Minutes for October 4, 2023 Monthly Meeting 

at Interlochen Public Library at 11:00 am.

 Interlochen Woman's Club

Minutes for October 4, 2023 Monthly Meeting 

at Interlochen Public Library at 11:00 am.

 A. Call to Order, Verta Odziana, Vice President for Danielle Bieganowski, at 11:00 am.

B. Pledge to the Flag and Collect by all.

C. Roll Call, Mary Pike, Secretary -18 members present including Margaret Beery, new member.

D.  President's Report - Danielle Bieganowski - Danielle was not felling good and did not attend. 

E. Secretary Report - Mary Pike :  Approval of minutes of  September 6, 2023, after corrections made.  Motion Made by Pat Thompson, seconded by Jayne McPhilimy and approved.

Please read the minutes of the previous meeting in your newsletter or on the Website prior to the next meeting, or follow along on your phone.  If you need copies of the booklet,  booklet cover or name tags, please see me.  Also is everyone getting the newsletter, have you signed in andsigned the Social Media Preference Sheet ?      

Thank yous sent to Donna Pierson and Ida Moody for their donations.

F.  Treasurer's Report - Susan Hughes -  Check Book Balance is  $3,732.36 as of September 30, 2023. 

G.  Department Reports:

​(1)  Arts Dept.  - Helen Hankins & Jayne McPhilimy  - Cannot reach some members in our department.

​(2)  Conservation Dept. - Sue Messner-  Hosting this month's luncheon, Speaker is Green Lake, Duck Lake Association, Paul Johnson, President.  Menu was soups, salads and dessert.

​(3)  Education Department - Susan Hughes- Hosting November's Meeting  - SpeAgenda for Board Meeting at Bud's at 11:00 on

April 24, 2024

A.  Call to Order by President, Danielle Bieganowski at____________

B.  Roll Call by Secretary Mary Pike as follows:

​Danielle Bieganowski, President

​Verta Odziana, Vice President

​Susan Hughes,Treasurer

​Ruth McKelvey, Past President - Unable to attend, recovering

​Mary Pike, Secretary

​Barb Cooper,  Director

​Sue Messner, Director- Out of town

​Pat Thompson, Director - Out of town

​Judy Bowman

C.  Review and approval of Board Meeting of October 25, 2023.

Motion made by___________________________Secondedby_________________________________   and approved.

D.  Director, Barb Cooper's term is up in May 2024._

E.  New members, Barb Wilson and Jeni Jackson, need to be assigned to Departments:

Arts has 7 members with 5 active  (Diann Heming quit 4/14/24 - email)

Conservation has 9 members with 5 active

Education has 7 members

Home Life/ Public Affairs has 7 member with 5 active


F.   Guidelines for Sunshine Funds and the Treasurer for donations and cards for what family members. Guidelines to be listed in the Description of Duties for the Sunshine Fund.

G.  75th Anniversary Celebration:  Barb Cooper and Cathy Dierkes to spearhead.  Arts Department to host the luncheon.  Susan Hughes to bring the cake.  Decorations will be "Black and Gold" by Mary Pike. Ideas?  Opal Steele turns 100 this year (April 14).

Send invitations to anyone?:________________________________________________________

H.  June Luncheon Venue:  Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

​1.  Where:_____________________________________________

​2.  What time:__________________________________________

​3.  Plant Raffle/ how much?:_______________________________

​4.  Elevate any to Life Membership?:___


I.  Schedule Board Meeting for August 2024: _____________________

​To Review CD2Go issues that were discussed at the October 25, 2023 Board Meeting: Bring your copies.    And any other issues to are brought to the floor.

J.  Temporary Chairman for Home Life and Public Affairs Department until Ruth McKelvey is able to resume her post. __

K.  Other business or announcements:__________________________________________________


L.  Meeting was adjourned, by Danielle Bieganowski at_______________.




Mary Pike, Secretary



Interlochen Woman's Club

Monthly Meeting September 6, 2023

at Interlochen Public Library at 11:00 am.

A. Call to Order, Danielle Bieganowski, President at 11:10 am.

B. Pledge to the Flag and Collect by all.

C. Roll Call, Mary Pike, Secretary:

16 members and one guest (that later joined the club) were in attendance. 

D. President's Report, Danielle Bieganowski:

She welcomed us all back from summer break. Chicken Dinner progress will be reported later in the meeting.

E. Secretary's Report, Mary Pike: Approval of the minutes of May 3, 2023: Motion made by Pat Thompson, seconded by Chris Wurst and approved.

A thank you card was sent to Nina Wolpe for her donation to the club. And Opal Steele's address was confirmed. Also, that this is our 75th Year Anniversary. Members voiced that we should celebrate in some way before the end of the year.

F. Treasurer's Report, Susan Hughes: Check Book balance is $3,312.36. The proposed budget was reviewed and may be modified after the Chicken Dinner and Bake Sale fundraisers. Motion made by Pat Thompson, seconded by Marsha Gresso and unanimously approved the proposed budget by a voice vote by members.

G. Department Reports:

​(1) Arts Department: Helen Hankins and Jayne McPhilimy - none

​(2) Conservation Department: Sue Messner - October's speaker is from the Green Lake and Duck Lake Association. Members please meet after the meeting to discuss the menu.

​(3) Education Department: Susan Hughes - none

​(4) Home Life and Public Affairs Department: Ruth McKelvey - We are this month's hosting department. Speaker's are Metiva and Torey Caviston from the Traverse Regional Community Foundation.

H. Committee Reports:

​(1) Hospitality/Membership/Welcome Committee: Barb Cooper and Cathy Dierkes - Maxine Steinmiller is re-joining the club and Ruth McKelvey brought a guest, Judy Gibler.

​(2) Sunshine Fund: Mary Pike - Balance in the Sunshine Fund as of today is $4 after birthday cards sent out for July and August, 2023 and after plants purchased for the June Luncheon Plant Raffle. Birthdays this month are Marsha Gresso (card given to her) and Patti Larson. Patti Larson's card was returned and Mary asked members if anyone knows of her situation. Donna Pierson will check with Jeanne Vandermeer.

​(3) Ways & Means Committee: Susan Hughes - none

​(4) Club Historian: Susan Hughes - none

​(5) Media Notifications: Jayne Mc Philimy via email, dated September 6, 2023 at 9:32 am: "Not able to attend. The information ( CD2Go) was sent to several sources. Record Eagle did not publish it, haven't checked others. Please notify me of any publicity you want sent out and I will do my best."

​(6) Face Book and Website: Pat Thompson - All is current on the Website and uplifting sayings and sentiments have been posted to Face Book.

I. Old Business:

​(1) Director needed for vacancy open in May 2023 for term to end in May 2027: Judy Bowman to be asked by Susan Hughes if she will fill the position, motion made by Susan Hughes, seconded by Pat Thompson and voted by show of hands, and passed.

​(2) Money ($100) ear-marked for Meals on Wheels: Susan Hughes to contact Mary Jo Barck at the township and see how we may donate to the new Pickle Ball Court in Green Lake Township.

​(3) Policy on posting likeness on social media as per Board meeting August 8, 2023: We will pass around a preference signup sheet at each meeting, and vote on amending the By-Laws at our October 4, 2023 meeting for this policy.

​(4) Chicken Dinner 2 Go:

​​(a) Danielle Bieganowski said the cost this year will remain the same; $20 with $5 back to the club. It will be served out the back door as is was last year. Brian at the Hofbrau said not to pack the containers too soon so it stays hot. Green Beans instead of corn.

​​(b) Mary Pike said the printing is complete. Tickets, hand-outs and flyers are available from her. The sign-up sheet for shifts will be passed around. Thirty tickets and some flyers were given to Danielle Bieganowski to give to the Hofbrau. All tickets are numbered this year starting with #100, tickets sent via email are numbered starting at #500.

​​(c) Township Sign: Marsha Gresso - Marsha has arranged for us to use the township sign starting September 25, 2023 until the day of the dinner. She has helpers to set up the sign. The Township may be obtaining a "digital" sign in the future. Marsha also arranged for us to use the sign for t